Lining inner rims of eyes are dangerous?
Product Information
Wearing makeup has become one of those common things, in fact wearing makeup makes women feel so confident. Before wearing any kind of makeup, they have to think about their safety priory especially when you are wearing the makeup around your eyes you should ensure they are safe to your eyes. But now they forget to think about safety because they are giving more importance to the external appearance of them. Nowadays, lining the inner rims of the eye is trendier, in case you are the one who uses eyeliner in the inner rims of your eyes get to know the cons of wearing them on your inner rims before your next time lining if you are concerned about your vision.
Lining inner rims of eyes
Tightlining of the eyes is one of those eyeliner techniques which gives the excellent contrast to your eyes and makes your eye looks super cute. Until then you are using them in a proper way it won’t cause damage to your vision but when you wear them in the wrong way or put hands on your eyes after wearing it the eyeliner gets inside your eyes that cause irritation and sometimes also leads to the serious eye disease.
Generally, when you wear the eyeliner near to your tear rims your linear wear off so faster that everyone knows. But do you know where it goes, it gets inside your eyes by this you get an obstruct vision and some diseases later all. The study conducted on the lining eyeliner on the inner rims has revealed that 30 percent of eyeliner you wear penetrates inside your eyes.
To get a better understanding of the cons of wearing eyeliner on the inner rims, here few points are mentioned below;
The main reason why it is advised to avoid the inner layer of your eyes is to safeguard them from getting diseased. On continuous wearing of eyeliner to the inner rims of an eye, some of them witnessed a decrease in vision and some experience with conjunctivitis. In that case, either have them properly or try to avoid them wearing to prevent your eyes from getting diseased.
In case, you experience an allergy or irritation after wearing the eyeliner in inner rims better you can consult the doctor before using them next time.
Final thoughts
When you are thinking about using something around your eyes you have to get knowledge about their priory to use them in the right way. This article explains to you whether using eyeliner on the inner rims of eyes is good or not.